Information services
Osaka Metro Information Counter |
Osaka Metro Information Counter located Shin-Osaka Sta. sells and exchanges tickets and provides information on the Osaka Metro.
- Business Hours: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
- Regular Holidays/Closures: No Holidays
Note: You can use "Alipay" and "WeChat Pay"
Osaka Metro Lost & Found Center |
- Osaka Metro Lost & Found Center, located in Namba Sta. on the Yotsubashi Line (outside the Minami Gate passage), temporarily keeps lost items found on trains and stations on the subway and New Tram.
- Business Hours: 8:30 am to 8:00 pm
- Regular Holidays/Closures: No Holidays
Details on the Lost and Found items on Subways and New Trams
Note: Items found on Osaka City Buses, are kept at Osaka City Bus business offices
Osaka Metro/City Bus Customer Center |
Osaka Metro/City Bus Customer Center provides information on timetables, transit methods, travel time required, and operations, etc. of Osaka Metro and Osaka City Bus by telephone or FAX.
- Tel: 050-3355-8208
*Please be careful not to make a mistake in your phone call. - Fax: 06-4792-0020
- Business hours: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Regular Holidays/Closures: No Holidays
- Other information
- Close
- Fares (regular fares, commuter pass fares)
- Types of fares
Fares for children (Child fare)
Private Railway Fare for Interoperable Segments
Bus to Bus/Bus to Subway transfers
Purchasing student commuter passes
Commuter pass renewal information
Mutual use of the Midosuji-Yotsubashi Line by commuter pass
- Convenient card tickets
- Special discount tickets
- Group ticket advance reservations
- List of Ticket/Commuter Pass Sales Counters
- About the Senior Pass (Keiro Pass)
- Conditions of Carriage (excerpts)