Installation of AED (Automated External Defibrillator) units
AED stands for “Automated External Defibrillator,” which is a medical device that delivers an electric shock to restore the heart to its normal state when an irregular heartbeat (ventricular fibrillation) prevents blood from being circulated throughout the entire body; the device was approved for use by the general public in July 2004.
If medical attention can be swiftly and accurately carried out using an AED, it is said to be extremely effective in improving the chance of survival and reducing the number of deaths that occur before reaching a hospital, and significantly contributes to boosting patient rehabilitation rates.
- Stations equipped with AEDs
Installed in all stations. - Installment status
- Instructions for using an AED

- Other information
- Close
- Fares (regular fares, commuter pass fares)
- Types of fares
Fares for children (Child fare)
Private Railway Fare for Interoperable Segments
Bus to Bus/Bus to Subway transfers
Purchasing student commuter passes
Commuter pass renewal information
Mutual use of the Midosuji-Yotsubashi Line by commuter pass
- Convenient card tickets
- Special discount tickets
- Group ticket advance reservations
- List of Ticket/Commuter Pass Sales Counters
- About the Senior Pass (Keiro Pass)
- Conditions of Carriage (excerpts)