• T33
  • Kire-Uriwari

Area map


You can check what buildings are in the area from the exits.


Nagai Koen-dori north side / Osaka Municipal Rehabilitation Center for the Physically and Mentally Impaired / Rehabilitation Counseling Center for the Physically Impaired / Creo Osaka South / Wellness Center for the Aged / Japan Pension Service Hirano Branch Office / Kire 1- & 2-chome / Kire-nishi 2- to 6-chome / City Bus


Nagai Koen-dori south side / Uriwari 1- to 5-chome / Uriwari-nishi 1- & 2-chome / City Bus


Nagai Koen-dori north side / Kire 1- to 7-chome / Kire-higashi 1- to 3-chome


Nagai Koen-dori south side / Uriwari Cemetary / Uriwari 2-, 3- & 5-chome / Uriwari-higashi 1- to 4-chome