• M17
  • Yodoyabashi

Transfer routes

Transfer routes

  • Keihan Line

Area map


You can check what buildings are in the area from the exits.


Osaka City Hall / Yodoyabashi intersection NE corner  / Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library / Osaka City Central Public Hall / Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka / Nakanoshima Park / Dojima Kanden Bldg. / Osaka High and District Courts / Osaka Bar Association / U.S. Consulate General Osaka / The Phoenix Hall / City Bus / Keihan Nakanoshima Line Oebashi Sta.  / Midosuji / Yodoyabashi-Minamizume / Public Prosecutors Office / Legal Affairs Bureau / Bank of Japan


Osaka Suijo Bus / Keihan Main Line Yodoyabashi Sta. / Kitahama 2- & 3-chome


Yodoyabashi intersection SW corner / Sumitomo Bldg. / Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation  / City Bus


Yodoyabashi intersection SW corner / Sumitomo Bldg. / Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation  / City Bus


Keihan Nakanoshima Line Oebashi Sta. / Yodoyabashi intersection NW corner / Site of Merchant Yodoya Residence / Bank of Japan / Osaka Mitsui-Bussan Bldg. / Nakanoshima Festival Tower / Festival Hall / Festival Plaza  / Italian Consulate General in Osaka / The Dojima Rice Exchange Monument  / ANA Crowne Plaza Osaka / Hotel Elséreine Osaka / Dojima Avanza / Dojima Underground Shopping Area  / Nakanoshima Daibiru Bldg. / SUNTORY / Kintetsu Dojima Bldg.


Keihan Nakanoshima Line Oebashi Sta. / Yodoyabashi intersection NW corner / Site of Merchant Yodoya Residence / Bank of Japan / Osaka Mitsui-Bussan Bldg. / Nakanoshima Festival Tower / Festival Hall / Festival Plaza / Italian Consulate General in Osaka / The Dojima Rice Exchange Monument  / ANA Crowne Plaza Osaka / Hotel Elséreine Osaka / Dojima Avanza / Dojima Underground Shopping Area  / Nakanoshima Daibiru Bldg. / SUNTORY / Kintetsu Dojima Bldg.


Connection to Nissei Bldg. / Midosuji east side / Site of Kaitokudo / Site of Doza (copper guild) / Aishu Kindergarten / Tekijuku / Arai Bldg. / Koraibashi Nomura Bldg. / Kitahama 2- & 3-chome / Imabashi 2- & 3-chome / Koraibashi 2- & 3-chome


Connection to Hulic Osaka Bldg. / Midosuji west side  / Osaka Club / Yotsubashisuji / Imabashi 4-chome / Koraibashi 4-chome


Connection to Yodoyabashi Odona / Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co. Osaka Yodoyabashi / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Bldg.  / Midosuji west side / Osaka Club / Yotsubashisuji / Imabashi 4-chome / Kitahama 4-chome


Midosuji east side  / Koraibashi 2- & 3-chome / Fushimimachi 2- & 3-chome / Doshomachi 2- & 3-chome / Hiranomachi 2- & 3-chome


Midosuji west side / Yotsubashisuji / Connecting walkway to Asahi Life Insurance Bldg. / Koraibashi 4-chome / Fushimimachi 4-chome / Doshomachi 4-chome / Hiranomachi 4-chome


Midosuji west side / Yotsubashisuji / Connecting walkway to Land Axis Tower  / Koraibashi 4-chome / Fushimimachi 4-chome / Doshomachi 4-chome / Hiranomachi 4-chome