Other inquiries (phone)

Osaka Metro/City Bus Customer Center

Osaka Metro/City Bus Customer Center provides information by phone or fax. Call for information about Osaka Metro and Osaka City Bus timetables, connections, trip times, service information, etc. We also provide information via interpreter in three languages: English, Chinese and Korean.

Osaka Metro/City Bus Customer Center will ask you to choose the content of your inquiry in advance via an interactive voice response. When your call is connected, please press the push-button on your phone to select your inquiry number.

*List of automated voice guidance options
1st Choice 2nd Choice Push Quick Reference
lost item A second selection is not necessary.
Subway & Bus about "Boarding Routes and Timetables"
about commuter passes, IC cards, and fares
about "Other"
Osaka Point A second selection is not necessary.
other about "e METRO"
about "On demand bus"
about "Other"



*Please be careful not to make a mistake in your phone call.

Fax 06-4792-0020
Business Hours 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Regular Holidays/Closures No Holidays
Languages Japanese, English, Korean and Chinese

Note1: When contacting us, please confirm the phone/fax number in order to dial the wrong number.
Note2: We will record your call to ensure we have received your inquiry correctly.
Note3: The line may be busy and it may be difficult to get through depending on the time of your call.
Note4: Calls of a specialized nature and calls about opinions or wishes may be handed over to the responsible department. (Only on weekdays from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm)

<Osaka City Bus Inquiries>
Please visit your nearest Osaka City Bus Business Office (Click here for the list of Osaka City Bus business offices.)

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